
Fellow Membership
Outstanding Achievement Award
Travel Awards
Best Poster Award
Early Faculty Travel Award
Early Career Achievement Award
Support Travel Awards


Fellow Membership

Fellows in the Society will be invited annually to nominate IBNS members for consideration as Fellows of the Society. Any Fellow can nominate a prospective candidate by sending a nomination letter to the IBNS Central Office. The letter should consist of the rationale for their nomination, an overview of their accomplishments in science and contribution to the Society, plus CV. From these materials (nomination letter and curriculum vita for each candidate), the Committee will review and recommend candidates for Fellow status to Council for final approval and election. The Committee can request more letters at their discretion. Click here to see the list of IBNS Fellows, 1992-present.  2025 nominations will open in January 2025. Fellows of IBNS are individuals who have made substantial contributions to the Society and to the field of behavioral neuroscience.


2018 IBNS Fellows - Jonathan Brigman, Jodi Pawluski, and Jill Silverman
2019 IBNS Fellows - Corina Bondi and Elizabeth Byrnes
2020 IBNS Fellows - Karen Szumlinski, Stacey Rizzo, Jill McGaughy, and Andrew Holmes
2021 IBNS Fellows - Debra BangasserAmanda Kentner and Farida Sohrabji
2022 IBNS Fellows - Nii Addy, Lisa Briand, Tiffany DonaldsonJess Nithianantharajah and Markus Wöhr
2023 IBNS Fellows - Greg Carr, Susan Sangha, Rachel Navarra and Anthony Hannan
2024 IBNS Fellows - Stan Floresco and Erica Glasper

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Outstanding Achievement Award

The recipient of this award is chosen by the Nominations and Awards Committee for outstanding professional achievement and consistent and long-standing contributions to the Society. The individual chosen for this award will receive recognition at the IBNS Annual Meeting, including a plaque, and will asked to give a short talk. Nominations should be sent to the Nominations and Awards Committee for consideration, and should include a nomination letter and a curriculum vita for the nominee. This letter should include a summary of their achievements in science as well as their contribution to the Society. 

2014 Outstanding Achievement Award recipient - Stefan Brudzynski
2016 Outstanding Achievement Award recipient - Stephen Kent
2017 Outstanding Achievement Award recipient - Yutaka Oomura
2018 Outstanding Achievement Award recipient - Kelly Lambert
2019 Outstanding Achievement Award recipient - Robert Gerlai
2020 Outstanding Achievement Award recipient - Mark Geyer
2021 Outstanding Achievement Award recipient - Caroline Blanchard 
2024 Outstanding Achievement Award - Farida Sohrabji

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Travel Awards and Pre-Review Program

IBNS has a commitment to diversity and inclusion and welcomes undergraduates, graduates and postdocs from all geographic areas and backgrounds to apply for a 2025 travel award to assist with their travel expenses for IBNS 34th Annual meeting. IBNS membership is required to apply for travel awards.  Not a member?  JOIN hereThe deadline to apply for a 2025 Travel Award has passed

The Travel Award Pre-Review Program seeks to support IBNS’ mission to promote participation, achievement, and increase cultural and international diversity of trainees in behavioral neuroscience. The goal of this Program is to promote diversity within IBNS and strengthen international peer networks by providing trainees a unique professional development opportunity. This Program assists trainees (undergraduates, graduate students, and postdocs) in writing Travel Award applications for the 2025 Annual Meeting by pairing them with mentors who will pre-review and provide feedback on their Travel Award application. Members from underrepresented populations and from institutions in countries underrepresented within the IBNS membership are highly encouraged to apply. The deadline to apply for the Travel Award Pre-Review Program has passed

Click here for complete details on Pre-Review Program & Travel Awards 

Travel Award Support

The Student/PostDoc travel awards are an integral part of the IBNS annual meeting, allowing qualifying student/postdoc members to attend and present their research. 100% of the donations are applied to the travel awards which help reduce the cost of attendance for the awardees.  Awards are given annually, require attendance and presentation of research at the meeting and are highly competitive.

IBNS is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization and donations are tax-deductible. No goods or services will be provided for this gift. Please consult your tax advisor regarding specific questions about your deductions.

Help us increase the number of travel grants that IBNS can award! 

Yes, I want to help!  Click here for details.

Your generosity will make a difference. 
Have a question or need help? Email IBNS Central Office.

Best Poster Award

Poster presenters submit their abstract on any subject related to the general area of behavioral neuroscience. The data must be original and not previously published. Winners are selected from three (3) categories: Undergraduate, Graduate, and PostDoc. In that order, previous winners include:

2014 Best Poster Award recipients - Mumeko Tsuda, Andrew Murtishaw, Cristina Banuelos, & Julianne Jett
2015 Best Poster Award recipients - Bruce Kennedy, Justin Botterill, Joseph McQuail, & Mouna Haidar
2016 Best Poster Award recipients - Emily Kirk, Richard O'Connor, Moria Braun, Robert Cole

2017 Best Poster Award recipients - Samantha Scarola, Kevin Hui, Evan Hart, Ana Luisa Terzian
2018 Best Poster Award recipients - Samantha Scarola, Christina Gobin, Joshua Haight
2019 Best Poster Award recipients - Danielle LeServe & Skylar Lambert, Leigh Walker, & Mariela Faykoo-Martinez 

2021 Best Poster Award recipients - Piper Rennerfeld, Moises dos Santos Correa, & Romana Stark 
2022 Best Poster Award recipients - Nancy Mack, Seneca Ellis, Agnieszka Potasiewicz, Allison McDonald, 
                                                          Katherine Gonzalez, & Stina Borchers

2023 Best Poster Award recipients - Gurwinder Johal,  Adiia Stone, & Kyna Conn
2024 Best Poster Award recipients - Kathryn Stachowicz, Isabel Werle &  Anna Hayes 

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Early Faculty Travel Award - NEW!!

Transitioning to Faculty is often the most difficult academic career transition and IBNS is here to help. We're introducing our latest Travel award, our Early Faculty Travel Award, and we encourage people within two years of their initial faculty appointment to apply.  The amount of funds will vary by region and year. Recipients will also receive a waiver of their registration fees for two years. 2025 nominations will open in January 2025.

At IBNS we strongly encourage diversity outreach in our applicants.  To encourage transparency, please see the scoring rubric for applicants.  

To apply for this travel award, please submit a description of the research you plan to conduct in your new laboratory (4500 characters max), your CV that includes a statement toward Diversity & Inclusivity, and a letter of support from a senior faculty member, preferably your Chair indicating your eligibility and their support. The form is only available to IBNS Regular Members. 

2021 Early Faculty Travel Award - Joseph McQuail
2022 Early Faculty Travel Award - Morgan James
2023 Early Faculty Travel Award - Elizabeth Manning, Natale Sciolino
2024 Early Faculty Travel Award - Millie Rincón-Cortés

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Early Career Achievement Award

Candidates for this award must be within seven years of receiving the Ph.D. and a member of the Society in good standing. There will be one award per year worth $500 USD plus a waiver for registration fees for the next IBNS conference. Further, the awardee will be asked to give 30-minute talk on their work.  Nominations can be made by an IBNS member or via self-nomination. The Nomination and Awards Committees will set detailed criteria for this award but both scientific excellence and contributions to the Society will be considered.

2015 Early Career Achievement Award - Corina Bondi
2016 Early Career Achievement Award - Michael Bowen
2017 Early Career Achievement Award - Sarah Baracz
2018 Early Career Achievement Award - Cindy Barha
2019 Early Career Achievement Award - Zackary Cope
2020 Early Career Achievement Award - Millie Rincón-Cortés
2021 Early Career Achievement Award - Elizabeth Manning
2022 Early Career Achievement Award - Philip Jean-Richard-dit-Bressel
2023 Early Career Achievement Award - Sydney Trask
2024 Early Career Achievement Award - Nicole Ferrara