Photos: 2023 Travel Awards, Niagara Falls, Canada
YOU can help then next generation of scientists and researchers from all over the world!
Each year the IBNS funds over $20,000 in travel awards to support the next generation of scientists in the field of behavioral neuroscience. This year we have been able to fund approximately 20% of the applications and the award covers approximately 60% of the applicants' expenses to attend the meeting. As we always have many more applicants than funds allow we are asking for your help.
The Student/PostDoc travel awards are an intregal part of the IBNS annual meeting, allowing qualifying student/postdoc members to attend and present their research. 100% of the donations are applied to the travel awards which help reduce the cost of attendance for the awardees. Awards are given annually, require attendance and presentation of research at the meeting and are highly competitive.
IBNS is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization and donations are tax-deductible. No goods or services will be provided for this gift. Please consult your tax advisor regarding specific questions about your deductions.
Help us increase the number of travel grants that IBNS can award! Your gift will give student and postdoctoral members the opportunity to attend the IBNS annual meeting to further their education and share their research.
100% of the donations go directly to the travel awards.
Your generosity will make a difference. 
Yes, I want to help.
How much would you like to give? *Donations may be tax-deductible*
The International Behavioral Neuroscience Society (IBNS) encourages research and education in the field of behavioral neuroscience. IBNS has members from all over the world and is made up of scientists, clinicians, teachers, students, and others with a background and/or interest in the relationship between behavior and the brain.