Committee Mission Statements


(Note: Mission Statements were approved by Council August 7, 2020)


Education and Training Committee

Mission Description: The purpose of the Education and Training Committee is to promote the participation, achievement, and diversity of trainees in the field of Behavioral Neuroscience, including assistance to students and postdocs for travel to the annual meeting and implementation of training programs in the field.

Mission Statement: The purpose of the Education and Training Committee is to promote the participation, achievement and diversity of trainees in the field of Behavioral Neuroscience. Activities include fund raising efforts to assist student attendance and interaction at international meetings via travel awards, and the design and implementation of training programs in the behavioral neurosciences, including a personalized mentoring program with senior members of IBNS.


Ethics & Diversity Committee

Mission Description: The Diversity Committee will work toward promoting diversity within the Society.

Mission Statement: The Diversity Committee will work toward promoting diversity, equity and inclusion within the Society. The spirit of the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society has always been to encourage outreach across the globe, to bring science to every corner of life, and in doing so, enhance our understanding of science for everyone. Here, we extend this approach to the individual in that we seek to have diverse representation across all levels of our Society. It is for this reason and the need for inclusivity in our time, that we reaffirm our commitment to equality by welcoming people from all walks of life, irrespective of socioeconomic background, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender status, mental health status, able bodiedness, national origin, and political views. This welcome encompasses full participation in the Society, at every level, from the meeting itself, to committee representation, to outreach to communities, and to advocacy for science/research. This commitment is also cognizant of the changing culture of educational/academic institutions and the awareness that our definitions of inclusivity may be expanded over time to reflect a changing population and a changing world. It is with this awareness/perspective that we pledge to maintain a sense of belonging and security/safety for all members of our community.


Finance and Fundraising Committee

The Finance and Fundraising Committee, in consultation with the Treasurer, oversees all financial arrangements of the Society.

The Finance and Fundraising Committee, in consultation with the Treasurer, oversees all financial arrangements of the Society. This includes, but is not limited to, reviewing an annual audit of the Society's financial records submitted by the Treasurer; assisting the Treasurer with the preparation of a draft annual budget; consulting with the Treasurer about investments; recruiting sustaining members and benefactors of the Society; recruiting and establishing contracts with exhibitors at the Annual Meeting; overseeing and approving administrative expenditures of the Society; recommending to the Council any changes in dues structure deemed necessary for the financial health of the Society. Matters involving significant expenditures or financial commitments by the Society must be submitted to the Finance Committee which will then make a recommendation to the Council. An annual report of all Finance Committee actions will be submitted to the Council.


Membership and Communications Committee

Mission Description: The Committee assists the Council with the multiple issues associated with establishing and maintaining membership and communication within the IBNS.

The Membership and Communications Committee's mission is to assist the Council with the multiple issues associated with recruiting, maintaining, and communicating with members in the IBNS. One of the main functions of the Committee is to consider and approve membership applications and to assess the qualifications of applicants. The five categories of members are fellow, regular, student, postdoctoral, and affiliate. Moreover, it is the role of the Committee to actively recruit new members, and to actively retain established members through traditional advertisement and social media. The Membership and Communications Committee also makes recommendations to the Council covering the use of the IBNS imprimatur on all scientific and educational materials, including books, journals, videos and other related materials that might come before the Council; e.g. release of official Society information, statements to the public such as advertisements, brochures, etc. The Committee will also be responsible for policy and providing advice for the editing, production, quality, and distribution of the IBNS newsletter and any other regular publications. In this capacity, the Committee disseminates accurate and timely information concerning research in the field of behavioral neuroscience to the scientific community, funding agencies, legislative authorities, and the general public as appropriate to its functions. The Membership and Communications Committee is committed to promoting on of the main goals of IBNS, which is fostering a positive relationship with the lay public, scientists, and organizations involved in the neurosciences, and the potential scientific and therapeutic benefits of behavioral neuroscience.

Nominations and Awards Committee

To be announced

Program Committee

Mission Description: The function of the Program Committee is to coordinate and schedule
the program of the annual meeting.

Mission Statement: The Program Committee strives to create a stimulating scientific program for the IBNS Annual meeting, focusing on the breadth of behavioral neuroscience research and striving to include balanced representation from its international membership with attention to issues of inclusion and diversity.